Rejoicing in the Month of Illumination

Nov-Dec 2018

Counting down

O every lover of the Prophet ﷺ! Come together on the day the truth became plain as day; in word and in meaning.


Mawlid Fest

The Mawlid is vital in the times we live in, where disengagement between the people and Islam have disconnected us from the light of the final Messenger ﷺ. With the inception of Essential Islam's 'Mawlid Fest', the aim is to help reconnect the Ummah with their beloved Prophet ﷺ.

Through famous and highly revered Prophetic panegyrics, the Mawlid Fest will instill a deeper affinity with the final Messenger ﷺ; his ﷺ noble life will be recollected, his ﷺ beautiful description narrated, his ﷺ unique traits and attributes explained, and a spiritual display of love and closeness to him ﷺ will be achieved through sending prayers and salutations upon him ﷺ.

Dalail al-Khayrat

The Dalail al-Khayrat is the most celebrated compilation of litanies which invoke prayers upon the noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Millions of Muslims avidly recite and benefit from the Dalail, from East to West, alone and in groups, in homes and in gatherings. For centuries, and over generations, untold numbers have witnessed its unbelievable spiritual blessings and light.

Qasidah al-Burdah

The Qasidah al-Burdah is the most celebrated and recited ode in the cosmos. Comprised of ten alluring chapters in praise of the final Messenger ﷺ, the Burdah is the most magnificent tribute to the best of creation ﷺ. Bask in the celestial lights that descend from its recitation; the same divine luminosity that cured its author, Imam al-Busiri, from paralysis.

Mawlid al-Barzanji

Written entirely in mesmeric poetic prose, the Barzanji Mawlid is one of the most celebrated and universally accepted paens that rejoices in the birth and life of the final Messenger ﷺ; instantly instilling a deep display of love and affection for the beloved Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ.

Shifa al-Qulub

Inspired by a beautific vision of the Prophet ﷺ, Shifa al-Qulub is a modern-day masterpiece penned by his eminence, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi; a leading polymath, gnostic, erudite scholar, and one of the most influential Muslims in the world today. A highly acclaimed compilation of litanies which invoke prayers upon the noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Shifa al-Qulub will captivate your heart and soul through the majesty found in sending salutations upon the most beloved of Allah ﷺ.


Salawat - or durood sharif - is an invocation and prayer of salutation upon the noble Prophet ﷺ. In virtue, it is ranked amongst the best of actions, and amongst those deeds weighing heaviest on the scales. For indeed, Allah and His Angels confer blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ and we have been instructed to do so also: "O you who Believe! Send blessings and abundant salutations upon him" {33:56}.

Invocations of salawat are of the utmost importance for those who wish to draw close to Allah and his final Messenger ﷺ. Moreover, the salawat we recite is the stimulus for spiritual ascension. Gatherings of salawat are echoes of eternity, helping aspirants to attain felicity and the greatest satisfaction; being obedient towards Allah.

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The flare of his ﷺ birth lit up the darkened land; a joy and a blossoming for the entire Universe.

Check back soon for more details on this years schedule/itinerary.
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Exclamations of the joyous news came in quick succession; the chosen one ﷺ has indeed been born and happiness has been established.



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